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2024 Advertising Predictions. What To Expect in the Coming Year.

When you work as far in advance as we do it sometimes feels like the “New Year” has been with us for some time. We were planning Q1 inserts in October and January TV back in September so it often feels like the new year is old news. However, we do try to remind ourselves that as we change the calendar over we are embarking on a new business period which will throw up new challenges and present new opportunities. It’s important we asses trends and the economic conditions so we can form 2024 advertising predictions and work out how they affect us and our clients.

2024 is set to be an interesting year. This year presents us with a general election, the challenges of covid are largely behind us and inflationary pressures are beginning to ease. The immediate forecast might be less turbulent than recent years but that doesn’t mean we don’t need to be agile and adaptive to ensure we thrive. 

AJ 2024 advertising predictions

Print media to hold steady

Nobody can deny the downward trend in newspaper and magazine circulations but that doesn’t mean print is becoming irrelevant for advertisers. With good advice, advertisers can and do make press work as well as it always has done. Without exception, all our clients have run successful press campaigns in 2023. With the days of double digit percentage circulation falls hopefully behind us we see no reason why press won’t be a key channel in 2024.

TV advertising to be big for direct response advertisers

A key 2024 advertising prediction for us and our clients. The future of TV advertising as we know it was looking a little uncertain for a while as streaming services took over our tellies. However, with many platforms now introducing ads in some form it’s apparent TV advertising will be around for a while longer yet. 2023 was our biggest ever year for TV advertising and we’re expecting 2024 to be even bigger. New technology has made tracking the effects of a TV campaign for direct response advertisers easier than ever. Now our clients can reliably asses campaign benefits they’re clearly able to see what we always knew, that TV delivers sales as well as brand recognition.

Humour to return to creative

It’s been a serious few years and that has been reflected in advertising. In fact, according to a Kantar study there has been a steady decline in the use of humour in advertising over the last twenty years. However, in 2023 we saw a small uptick in the number of humorous ads. In 2024 we predict that we’re going to see a lot more ads that make us laugh or smile. And why not? It’s a tricky thing to get right but ads that make an audience laugh have more of a positive impact, connect on a more emotional level and are more engaging. In fact 72% of consumers welcome humour in advertising. Also, let’s face it, we could REALLY do with something to smile about!

AI to take over the world

Not really…but AI will continue to be big news. If 2023 was the year our jaws dropped at open AI’s capabilities 2024 will be the year we learn how to use it. 

2023 saw us all picturing ChatGPT as an AI Overlord-in-waiting, in 2024 he’s more like a friendly assistant.  Agencies and clients who embrace AI will see the benefits in terms of streamlined processes, advanced analytics, enhanced efficiency and improved customer service. Whilst it’s obvious that AI has huge potential it has also become clear it comes with limitations such as inaccuracy and a lack of genuine creativity. To get the best from AI you really need a human touch to guide it. It looks like our jobs are safe from the robots, for now at least….  

If you’re looking for a new start in the New Year or you want to know more about our 2024 advertising predictions, get in touch to find our how we can make a difference to your business.