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Hot off the press

So how well are we really doing?

At the end of May we posted about how we are looking after our clients during lockdown. We thought we were doing a good job but acknowledged that the proof would be in the pudding – i.e. we would only know just how well we were doing if we asked them. So we sent our client surveys out….

We’ve received the majority of surveys back and – phew – with an overall score of 97%, our clients tell us that they feel very well looked after indeed.

“There hasn’t been a break in your services which is much appreciated.”

From the beginning of lockdown, our priority was to maintain the level of services we provide without interruption so to hear that our clients have experienced this is a huge relief. Not only that, but wherever possible, we have also helped our clients make the most of a changing market and given advice and guidance of real value; we’ve received great comments in return:

“You’ve definitely made a difference to the business during this time. The OBC ads in the Tel mag & Stella have helped drive some excellent weeks of lead and appointment generation. Getting back in the The Times Mag has also been successful.”

“Delighted with how the relationship has developed”

“Impressed by how you’ve been able to scale the business. Onwards and upwards!”

“Our OTP has ensured we are still recruiting new customers during this difficult time.”

Sending out regular surveys to clients is important. It makes it easy for clients to tell us what they really think about the services they are paying for and helps us to improve or make changes as and when we need to. And it’s extremely satisfying – and reassuring –  to be told that we’re actually doing a good job too. Onwards and upwards indeed!













AJ’s lockdown client survey