We’d like to share a few simple tips that we believe can make a difference to the day. There may not be anything new to you here. In fact, you may well be doing these already. If, however, you’ve thought about making a few changes and need a little inspiration then please read on and enjoy!
Don’t look at your screen until your feet are on the floor*
It is all too easy to reach for your phone first thing in the morning, particularly if you use your phone as an alarm (which we all know we shouldn’t do..). So, whenever you can, get up and do what you need to do before reaching for your phone. The screen can always wait till later. *Borrowed from the fabulous Dolly Alderton
Get outside.
No matter how busy you are, taking a break to go outside during the day will always make you feel better. Even 15 minutes of daylight and fresh air can make a real difference to your mood. Whatever your day involves, find the time to be out and about.
Stretch first thing in the morning, stretch during the day. Stretching is one of the best things you can do for your body, increasing flexibility and stability. And it’s also a great way to give your energy levels a boost.
Eat the rainbow.
A dish of vibrantly coloured food is likely to be filled with lovely healthy antioxidants (unless you have filled your bowl with Skittles) and be a joy to eat – and to look at. Colourful food is fabulous food!
Move more.
Move as much as you can. It’s easy to build more steps into your day. Walk over to your colleagues to chat rather than shout across the office or send a message. Take the stairs not the lift. Park as far away as you can when you can. Take a walk. Dance. Always dance.
Do more of the things you love.
It sounds simple. If sounds obvious. But it’s so easy to forget about what you really enjoy doing and make time to do it. Whether it’s running, reading, cooking, seeing friends, meeting family, painting – whatever. Do it as much as you can.
Write lists.
We love a list. It helps organise the mind. It’s satisfying to tick things off. It’s easy to add to. It stops you forgetting things. And even when you’re not ticking things off as quickly as you’d like to, you will always know where you are up to and what you need to do.
Stop and take time to breathe.
Life can be overwhelming. Work can be overwhelming. Don’t keep pedalling madly without stopping for a moment to just breathe. Take a step out. Walk away from the spreadsheet, take a walk. Give yourself time to think.
Be kind.
To yourself and to others. Consider how your words and your actions can impact those around you. If someone is struggling, ask if you can help. Look after the people around you, ask how they are. And be kind to yourself too. Ask for help when you need to.
Think positively.
Be positive when you can. It’s not always easy to do – and not every situation is a positive one. But if you get into the habit of looking for the positive, you are more likely to find it, more often.
“Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.” Simone de Beauvoir