Working from home continues to have an impact on changing behaviour which means great news for advertisers
New research from Radiocentre has thrown up some interesting stats and opened up a whole new discussion on radio advertising and its increased reach.
With 46% of working adults currently working from home, research has found that this group is primarily made up of young/middle-aged professionals, mostly home owners, with a higher than average household income. And within this group, 56% claim to be commercial radio listeners.
This opens up a wealth of opportunity for advertisers, particularly in the home improvements sector as we know from our own client activity and further research that these are the people most likely to be considering or currently making changes to their homes.
In April 2020, 45% of people claimed to be listening to radio more than they were before lockdown and in January this year, this figure rose to 50%. This is a group with an already high disposable income, over 60% of whom claim to have made further savings throughout lockdown. And over 56% say that if they hear something of interest on the radio, they will look it up online.
So, if you haven’t considered radio advertising before, there is clearly an opportunity now to reach large numbers of potential customers with money ready to spend.
If you would like help or advice on bringing radio into the mix, please get in touch: lesley@aja.co.uk
With thanks to Radio Experts for sharing their findings on this topic with us.