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Hot off the press

What are your plans for summer?

Lots of us will be enjoying the long-awaited holiday abroad, but what will be happening closer to home?

If, like many businesses, you have found Q2 tough – due to ever more challenges including supply issues, Brexit impact, war, poor weather, hot weather, fuel prices, cost of living increases (I could go on) and now of course the mess the Government finds itself in – you may be seeing your ads are struggling.  If this is the case, we have some good news.

The political story will have a positive impact on newspaper sales for as long as the debacle plays out – we all saw the impact of this with Covid.  Also, there is likely to be a surplus of ad space as the big advertisers, (e.g. supermarkets, finance companies, food and beverage retailers) are cutting back to bare bones and running more modest campaigns. 

So it is a buyers’ market and we are already seeing some great deals coming through. Now is the time to refresh those ads, sharpen your offers as much as you can and you can add some sunshine to your results – let us know if you’d like our help!