At AJ, we understand the value of a blended approach and that sometimes the ideal solution to driving sales is a balanced mix of brand and direct response.
Running a BR campaign creates reach and frequency to ensure a future pipeline of customers by creating awareness and building the brand. When you marry this with DR it generates short term, immediate response, and the two work hand in hand to create a powerful environment where all bases are covered. Adding DR to your TV plans will intensify the short-term effects vital for efficiency reaching and encouraging action from those in the market now.
Producing All Time campaigns for our clients and analysing the performance via an online analysis system showed us that the efficiency of daytime balances out the more expensive peak time activity. This highlighted the importance of running a DR campaign alongside to generate more of this cost-efficient airtime. This is achieved by planning and booking a DR daytime-only campaign which is traded against much lower CPTs. This in turn translates directly to a much lower cost per action.
For one of our clients, a kitchen appliance supplier, the Cost Per Site Visit to their website from the DR airtime was 28% lower than that generated by the BR airtime. It’s important to still have presence in peak (and in specific contextually relevant programming) to reach their target audience and build the awareness and brand perception needed for future purchase but at the same time, the DR campaign is producing immediate response and lower cost pers on the same channels.
The best of both worlds
Often, the cost efficiency of a standard 30” ad has to be weighed up against the need to include lots of information about the product. By running a longer Time Length in Daytime, the cheaper daypart, you’re able to ‘educate’ the audience about the product with more information; running a combination of BR and DR means you combine the ‘emotional priming effects’ of a BR ad with the ‘rational messaging’ of a DR ad.
Campaigns that effectively balance direct response with maximum reach should deliver a baseline of web traffic after a TV campaign which is higher than the ad-free levels prior to the campaign airing. It translates into an increase in the underlying level of website traffic as more people become familiar with the brand. Our kitchen appliance client now has GA user and new user numbers 50% higher YOY.
DR can support BR airtime and potentially allow running a shorter time length in the All Time campaign for increased cost efficiency. The longer time length running alongside in daytime supports the shorter BR creative and should increase immediate response. Our client experienced this, and was confident that the 60” DR campaign running alongside the BR campaign was supporting it strongly enough to drop the 30” ad to run 20” and 10” only.
If you are interested in exploring how you could make the most of a spend on TV and find out more about creating the right mix of brand response and direct response we’d love to help. Please contact: