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TV strengths continue to shine

At AJ we have always appreciated the power of TV advertising and understand its huge effect on all elements of a campaign.

Studies have shown that DRTV is the strongest of the ‘demand generating’ channels i.e. the media that are the most likely to produce an actual response rather than harvest data.

A study by Group M, ‘TV’s Response: new rules, new roles’ found that TV also helps drive a response through several channels directly. It generates 25% of all media-driven sales delivered via the phone, 45% of all media-driven sales via bricks & mortar and 29% of media-driven sales through web traffic driven direct-to-site; this includes non-paid-for-search.

TV also drives an indirect response through online channels, generating 33% of all interactions that were media driven for brands on Facebook.

The IPA’s ‘Advertising Effectiveness: the long and short of it’ by Binet and Field, found that by including TV in your marketing campaign, it can increase its efficiency six-fold. TV and online synergy is particularly large. Binet and Field’s analysis showed that by having TV, Broadcaster Video on Demand (BVOD) and online video all working together, it can increase the efficiency of a campaign by over 50%. And TV creates the most short to medium-term sales. ‘TV’s Response: new rules, new roles’ showed that, on average, media accounts for 39& of sales in the short to medium-term, i.e. within 3 months of a campaign finishing.

TV advertising drove a third of these media-driven sales – more than any other communication channel. This was significantly higher than the next most impactful channel which was generic pay-per-click search.

The study showed that TV has far reaching, but often hidden, effects across the entire communications system.

With viewing figures rising and rates remaining attractive, advertising on TV is now more affordable – and effective – than ever. With the average cost of buying the spae for mone person in the UK to see a TV ad at less than one pence, why wouldn’t you give it a go?

If you would like to discuss how to test TV, or how to make your TV campaigns work better, please contact

Data and Info sourced from:

Group M, Binet and Field and the IPA