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Could fresh perspective boost your profits?

Business Insights from AJ is our new, comprehensive business analysis service. Initially, we’ll take a look at your business from an outsider’s perspective, auditing key elements of your marketing. We then provide you with a report that shows you what you’re doing right and more importantly, what can be improved to help boost your profits.

We’ve always taken pride in going above and beyond. We don’t just give you an advert and media plan, we want every element of your communications strategy to pull its weight because if it doesn’t, you’re likely to be losing potential customers and profit.

We love to get into the nitty gritty with our clients. At AJ we really make the effort to understand your business. It’s this knowledge, gathered over the past 40 years, that gives us a unique insight into the world of direct selling and e-commerce.

What does the business insights service actually do?

Quite simply, it gives you feedback on all aspects of your customer communications and marketing activities from a neutral perspective. We know getting all elements of your marketing mix is more than a full time job so we’re here to provide valuable, impartial evaluation.

As the communications environment becomes more fragmented clients often use several agencies for different disciplines. It’s this that can lead to a lack of cohesion and a fractured marketing process.

Alice, our MD says:

“We don’t just want to run ads and step away, we have a huge amount of knowledge and experience to share which helps our clients achieve more from their advertising. Often clients are too close to see where the cracks are and simple changes can make a big difference.”

What can I expect from a Business Insights report?

Our experience tells us no two business are alike. Every Business Insights report commissioned is tailored to the specific business needs of that client. Below are some examples of what we audit.

  • Website – is it user friendly? Does it do a good job of selling your business?
  • Customer contact strategy – are you making the most of email/DM opportunities?
  • Customer profile – are they who you think they are? Can your targeting be improved?
  • Brand positioning – how do you stack up against your competitors?
  • Social media – does this work for you or against you?
  • Advert creative – are your ads working as well as they could be?
  • Media schedule – are you reaching your target? Are your prices competitive?
  • Marketing communications – is your brochure good enough? Do your emails get read?
  • Customer service – are your contact staff performing? Are you trusted?

How will Business Insights help boost my profits?

After we have assessed these elements we’ll provide you with a comprehensive report that highlights your strengths and also what you can do to improve and boost your profits. In addition, we’ll also arrange follow up meetings to help you stay on track.

Business insights is not just for existing or potential advertising clients, we also welcome anyone who wants to use this service. We believe we can help boost your profits and we just love to see a business grow. You are also under no obligation to use AJ to implement any changes we recommend. Business Insights aims to bring everything together, giving you a clear strategy regardless of who ultimately delivers it.

No sales tactics, no pressure just honest and straightforward business advice to help boost your profits. Read more about our Business Insights service. Get in touch to talk to us about how Business Insights can help you get better results.